Unravelling life’s origin: five key breakthroughs from the past five years

MisFluffy/Shutterstock There is still so much we don’t understand about the origin of life on Earth. The definition of life itself is a source of debate among scientists, but most researchers agree on the fundamental ingredients of a living cell. Water, energy, and a few essentia … | Continue reading

@theconversation.com | 14 minutes ago

Personalised mRNA vaccines: a revolutionary new approach in melanoma treatment

A personalised mRNA vaccine would use the body's immune system to fight cancer. Chinnapong/ Shutterstock A personalised mRNA vaccine to treat melanoma has now reached late-stage trials in the UK. This is just the latest step in improving the cure rate of cancer. This form of canc … | Continue reading

@theconversation.com | 15 minutes ago

A Spy Like Me: Kim Sherwood’s evocative and thrilling addition to the James Bond canon

Silvercircle/Shutterstock/Cannongate This article contains spoilers for The Double O trilogy of James Bond books by Kim Sherwood In the first book of Kim Sherwood’s Double O trilogy, Double or Nothing (2022), James Bond has gone missing. No one knows what’s become of him, but Mon … | Continue reading

@theconversation.com | 15 minutes ago

Can this thumb test tell if you are at increased risk of a hidden aortic aneurysm?

All the parts of our bodies share an inherent connectivity. This goes much further than “the foot bone’s connected to the … leg bone”. For instance, both hands and feet are connected to a constantly flowing bloodstream, and a nerve network that makes their muscles kick. So what a … | Continue reading

@theconversation.com | 15 minutes ago

Beautifully crafted Roman dodecahedron discovered in Lincoln – but what were they for?

Roman dodecahedra are something of an enigma: there is no known mention of these 12-sided, hollow objects in ancient Roman texts or images. First discovered in the 18th century, around 130 dodecahedra have been found across the Roman Empire, although it is interesting that the ma … | Continue reading

@theconversation.com | 15 minutes ago

Why women would prefer to be alone in the woods with a bear than a man

Erik Mandre/Shutterstock Would you rather find yourself alone in the woods with a bear or a man? This is the question currently dividing social media. Based on the responses online, it looks like most women answering the question say they would choose the bear, a decision that is … | Continue reading

@theconversation.com | 15 minutes ago

Gaza war: success of Egypt’s peace deal would set blueprint for future of Middle East – expert Q&A

In the diplomatic manoeuvrings surrounding the conflict in Gaza, things are beginning to gather pace. Israel’s western allies are pressing the Israeli prime minister to accept the latest plan brokered by Egypt and Qatar, while the Gulf states, led by Saudi Arabia, are similarly e … | Continue reading

@theconversation.com | 15 minutes ago

If Rishi Sunak is ousted, should Tory MPs or members pick his replacement? The answer isn’t that simple

Speculation continues over Rishi Sunak’s position as prime minister and Tory leader. The Conservatives’ leadership rules stipulate that Sunak would face a confidence vote among his MPs if 15% of them (52 MPs), wrote to Graham Brady, chairman of the Tories’ backbench 1922 Committe … | Continue reading

@theconversation.com | 15 minutes ago